High Blood
Pressure (Hypertension)
SYMPTOMS—Sometimes there are no symptoms; but, if they occur, they may
include headache, difficulty in breathing, headaches, low energy, indisposition,
blurred vision, weight gain, rapid pulse, or a feeling of dizziness. Most
men suffer from impotency and/or quick ejaculation due to hypertension.
Hypertension is called the "silent killer" because it
often reveals few symptoms.
What is High blood pressure? High blood pressure is the
pressure of blood flowing through the arteries at a higher rate than it should
be, and that pressure consistently remains higher.
A blood pressure gauge (sphygmomanometer) registers two readings:
The first and higher one is the systolic; the second and lower one is the
diastolic. The diastolic pressure occurs just before the heart beats, and is
less important for determining blood pressure. But the systolic pressure
reveals the pressure built up as the heart pumps blood out of the heart into
the aorta (and thence through the arteries). High systolic pressure indicates
that the cell walls are hardened and/or plaques are forming in the arteries,
which are narrowing the passageways.
Average normal systolic blood pressure in an adult varies between
120 and 150 millimeters of mercury, and tends to increase with age. The
arteries of older people tend to harden and thicken with age, and this produces
the higher readings in later life.
The age, in relation to the figures, tells a lot: Systolic readings
of 140-150 at 65 to 80 years of age may not be considered high;
but, occurring in a man of 30, it points to a definite problem
which needs attention.
Normal blood pressure readings for adults vary from 110/70 to
140/90 while readings of 140/90 to 160/90 or 160/95 indicate borderline hypertension.
Any reading over 180/115 is far too elevated.
Causes-- The hardening and clogging produces changes in the
arteries, which produce hypertension, and are caused by emotional stress, pork,
beef, overeating, and heredity. Tobacco is another cause of hypertension, as is
the taking of oral contraceptives (the pill). Drinking coffee or tea, drug
abuse, and high inorganic sodium intake are other causes. Certain type of
pharmaceutical prescription drugs causes high blood pressure, especially STEROIDS!
All kidney disease is accompanied by high blood pressure. Heavy snorers are
more likely to have high blood pressure than silent sleepers.
Why are
African-Americans more likely to have hypertension than White Americans?
I have noticed this statistic before I became a healer. As a black
woman I was raised on the typical African-American diet. Pork chops, Ham,
Bar-B-Q Ribs, Fried Chicken, Hot Wings smothered in hot sauce, Collard Greens
with fat back (more pork), Mashed Potatoes with home made gravy (pork grease
or the grease from the cooked meat of that day, onions, white flour, black
pepper, iodized salt and water), with overcooked vegetables. Of course we
would wash it down with RED KOOL-AID which was practically filled with 2 pounds
of sugar. Oh! Let me not forget desert! Red Velvet Cake, Sweet Potato Pie,
home made Pound Cake, and banana puddin’ just to name a few was always offered
as finishers. Raw fruits and vegetables was not the normal meal offered to
us on a daily bases. I also recall drinking more sodas (Pepsi and Dr Pepper)
than drinking water. This is an example of what I ate on a daily basis.
If you were to calculate the sodium, fat, and chemicals we as
blacks ate on a daily bases………….you too would see why we are more likely to
have high blood pressure than whites. I know for a fact that if our people
would eliminate pork completely out of their diet and replace all drinks with
distilled water, they would lower their blood pressure dramatically.
stated here should be considered as medical advice for dealing with a health
problem. You should consult your health care professional for individual guidance
for specific health problems. This page is for informational and educational
purposes only, and is simply a collection of information in the public domain.
Information conveyed herein is based on personal experience and other records -
both ancient and modern. No claims whatsoever can be made as to the specific
benefits accruing from the use of the above treatment.