Health Tips


Complete overgrowth of yeast (Candida albicans) is believed by many health care practitioners to be a significant factor in many poor health conditions. The following dietary guidelines are suggested by Dr Akilah El, PhD, ND to be used with quality acidophilus to help combat Candida albicans. Follow these guidelines for approximately 4-6 months While on this program you will feel incredible. After this program the effects of Candida albicans will likely have disappeared. Remember that these are only guidelines-don't feel badly if you don't eat this well every day. The important thing is that you've made a positive step to cleansing your body and obtaining optimum health.



Note: It's very important to make sure you are having two to three good bowel movements every day to assure that the yeast is being removed from your body. To help facilitate this, eat plenty of fiber, vegetables, and exercise and remember to drink 10 to 12 glasses of distilled water every day. 




Feel free to include any and all of the food items on this list in your daily diet:





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