The Complete Guide to Natural Birth Control


Natural Spermicide

  • Lemon or Lime Juice
  • Neem Oil
  • Garlic Oil
  • Citronella Oil


Spermicide Recipes

click image to enlarge

**Use an ice tray made for a mini fridge. If you are not sure where to buy them click here to buy them from **

**How To Instructional Video Will Be Released on 5-13-2014 on Youtube**

Slippery When Wet Suppository
2 Capsules of Slippery Elm (also acts as a lubricant)
1 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice 

Virgin Island Suppository
1 Teaspoon of pure Aloe Vera Gel (must be at least 99% Aloe Gel)
1 Teaspoon of Plain Kefir (Sour Milk)
1/2 Teaspoon of Pineapple or Orange Juice 

Milk and Honey Suppository
1 Teaspoon of Plain Yogurt
1 Teaspoon of Honey
Warning- Milk and honey suppositories are very messy and sticky after sexual intercourse but very effective

Use a tooth pick to stir the ingredients inside the tray mold. Add 4 - 5 drops of water to enlarge the suppository (this is optional). Place ice tray in the freezer and keep it there for 24 - 48 hours. Insert 5 - 15 minutes prior to intercourse.


When it come to herbs it's very important that you get advice from a professional and not random individuals on the internet. Herbalist are professionals who specialize in herbal remedies for various health conditions and dis-eases. They are trained in the art of herbology and are the only reliable source for herbal knowledge. The internet is full of unqualified people with zero experience in herbology giving herbal advice. Please do not take these people seriously. They do not speak from experience or knowledge. Always consult with an herbalist of your choice before using herbs suggested by random individuals on the internet. Do thorough research on the messenger before adhering to their message.


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